Thursday, 17 November 2011

Dave Monoghan Mini Ramp Line

Mid-line blunt flip out to fakie
Whilst doing the daily skateboard video rounds on the internet before a lecture at uni, I came across this crazy clip of Manchester skater Dave Monoghan skating a mini-ramp at the ever popular Macclesfield Skatepark. It is a one clip video of one of the craziest mini-ramp lines I have ever seen, and it is packed with tech coping manoeuvres, flips into stalls and general Mini-Ramp Madness.
If you have ever had the honour of seeing Daves skills in person, you will be able to appreciate the steeze and effortless nature he performs his tricks with.
Props to Dave and Phil Harvey for filming.

Witness the sickness by clicking the link below and also take a peep at the other videos on Phil Harvey's YouTube Channel: